Monday, August 4, 2008

Our trip out West!

Danielle, Lilly, and Kate with their cousins (actually Jeff's cousins) Cole and Luke. My kids had so much fun playing with the "cool" older cousins. This is at Jeff's Aunt Colleen's house in AZ.

Danielle found a toad out side their house! She poked at it a few times and picked it up and came into the house to show us. I thought that was very cool and brave of go girl!

Our family vacation this year was going out west (back home). We were out for 3 weeks and stayed at 5 different places. That consisted of keeping track of every ones everything including all the I mean cool stuff we collected along the way. My top 5 favorite things about our trip were....
1. Seeing family including new additions that we had not met yet.
2. Eating food
3. Going to the Twin Falls Temple open house and Jeff talking to each of our girls about eternity while looking into the mirror in the sealing room.
4. Liquid Nitrogen Bottle rockets. (I'll let Jeff explain that one!)
5. Coming home safe and sound!

more out west trip posts to come.......must sleep now


Unknown said...

Wow, three weeks and no visit, I feel rejected... (William & Sariah)

Amy said...

Wow, cool picture of Danielle. She looks so much like you, Karman.

I remember once upon a time I used to pick things up like that too. Not anymore.

Chris Robinson said...

Yea! I am glad to see your blog up and running! Welcome to blogging. It is so much fun to see and be seen by so much friends and family. I love your blog by the way!

Janessa @ Treasure Hunting Mommy said...

Who's Jenissa???? LOL It's Janessa. Cute blog!

coco said...

Karmen and Jeff we absolutely loved having you both and your adorable sweet girls. Thank you for including us via grandma in your visits and for all you did to help while you were here. Can't wait to see you again! I really like the blog bug, it is a great way for me to unwind at night and cach up on everyones news. Love to you xoxo to girls coco