Sunday, August 16, 2009

Jack's Fork Canoe Trip Aug 13-14, 2009

I took Danielle and Lilly on an overnight canoe trip on the Jack's Fork here in S. MO. We put in at Alley Spring, and took out the next day at Two Rivers. It is a beautiful river, with clear, cold spring-fed waters flowing over a gravel bottom and along picturesque limestone bluffs deep in an Ozark valley. It was our last big outing of the summer, before they start school next week.


David and Cori said...

Those are awesome pics Jeff. What a great things to do with your kids. And from the looks of it - you totally roughed it! AWESOME! We all need to meet halfway and camp sometime.

Sheri said...

This looks awesome! I bet the girls loved it. The Ozarks are so beautiful, too.

JoMama said...

What a FUN time for the girls!
Great pictures!

karen said...

WOW! how fun love you all!

Newman Family said...

What an awesome Dad you are, Jeff! You're girls will have great memories!

Brandi Hastings said...

Wow, that looks like so much fun. I haven't been floating in forever! Your girls are growing so fast. They look so old. Good luck with school this year! How is Lance doing? I haven't seen any pictures of him!!!
I will be back in Oct. when my brother, Justin gets home from his mission. Hope to see you then!

Sarah said...

What a great dad, and super cute girls. Fun, fun trip.

I'm ready for some more pictures of that baby!